SFS09 DrPH Council

Sunday, March 20, 2016: 4:15 PM-5:15 PM
Salon 6 (Crystal Gateway Marriott)
Description: This inaugural, in-person meeting of the DrPH Council (formed in the summer of 2015) will explore members' reactions to CEPH's Round 3 accreditation criteria on the DrPH degree, in support of the council's charge to enhance the quality of DrPH programs, enable information sharing, and facilitate networking.

NOTE: The DrPH Council membership is composed of representatives from ASPPH-member institutions having administrative responsibilities for DrPH degree programs. Membership is limited to one representative per school or program.

Suzanne M. Babich (Hobbs), DrPH, Clinical Professor, Director, Doctoral Program in Health Leadership, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Suzanne M. Babich (Hobbs), DrPH, Clinical Professor, Director, Doctoral Program in Health Leadership, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill