PR ASPPH Leadership Session: Public Health Leadership on Population Health (closed session for ASPPH-member Deans and Primary Program Representatives or their designees only)

Tuesday, March 22, 2016: 2:00 PM-5:00 PM
Salons 1 & 2 (Crystal Gateway Marriott)
Description: This session is open only to dean and primary representatives. 

The agenda for this session is as follows:

2:00 -- Session Introduction – Dr. Gary Raskob, Chair of ASPPH and Dean, University of Oklahoma Health Science Center College of Public Health

2:10 -- Academic Public Health’s Leadership to Advance Population Health

  • Organizational Context: Dr. Robert Dittus, Director and Associate Vice Chancellor for Public Health and Health Care, Vanderbilt University Institute for Medicine and Public Health
  • Rethinking and Redirecting Population Health: Dr. Bobby Milstein, Director, ReThink Health, Fanny Ripple Foundation
  • Looking Ahead and Next Step (including a discussion of the ASPPH Population Health Leadership Group’s Work Plan): Dr. John Finnegan, Jr., Dean, University of Minnesota School of Public Health

3:30 -- Break

3:45 -- Management and Policy Issues Table Discussions

  • Draft Table Discussion Questions:
    • How are you managing, or how have you managed, budget cuts within your institution?
    • How have you managed faculty productivity and transition issues?
    • What strategies are you carrying out to enhance the positioning of public health within the medical school or the university?
    • What have you found to be the most successful strategies to develop Interprofessional Education? What does public health have to contribute to IPE?
    • What is your institution doing to address social justice issues including racial equality? Has this changed due to the current political climate?

5:00 -- Adjournment and Reception

Bobby Milstein, PhD, MPH, Director, ReThink Health, Fannie E. Rippel Foundation , Robert Dittus, MD, MPH, Associate Vice Chancellor for Public Health and Health Care, Vanderbilt University and John R. Finnegan, Jr., PhD, Dean, University of Minnesota School of Public Health
Gary E. Raskob, PhD, MSc, Dean, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center College of Public Health