Call for Proposals

  1. The Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) invites oral and poster proposal submissions for our 2025 ASPPH Annual Meeting for Academic Public Health March 19 - 21, 2025 in Arlington, VA. We are looking for proposals related to innovative ideas, promising and emerging practices, and practical solutions. The proposals should address challenges and opportunities in graduate and undergraduate academic public health.

    Please carefully review all the information below before starting your submission. Submissions are due Friday, October 11, 2024, at 11:59 PM PT. For any questions or additional information, please contact

  2. Program Areas

    Our call for proposals has eight program areas—please click on the program area title below for a description of each area. The areas are intentionally broad to encourage submissions from across the diverse, innovative, and collaborative field of academic public health.

    1) Creating Equitable Health Outcomes Locally and Globally

    2) Diversifying Public Health Pathways and Ensuring Student and Alumni Success

    3) Innovation in Finance, Operations, and Administration: Models Supporting Effectiveness in Academic Public Health

    4) Partnerships, Advocacy, and Policies

    5) Research and Evidenced-based Public Health Solutions

    6) Strategic Communication and Digital Marketing in Public Health

    7) Transformative Approaches to Education and Learning

    8) Workforce Development and Applied Practice

  3. Session formats

    1. Oral (15-20 minutes paired with complementary submissions)
    2. Poster

    NOTE: If a submitter wishes to submit a proposal for a full one-hour session, please email

  4. Submission Deadline

    Submissions are due Friday, October 11, 2024 by 11:59 PM PT.

    Proposal Notification

    Submitters will be notified via email of their proposal status in early December 2024. Please make sure your email address is correct and up to date to receive the notification.

    Registration and Membership

    Membership is not required to submit a proposal or to register for the meeting. If your proposal is accepted for presentation, the presenting author(s) MUST register for and attend the 2025 ASPPH Annual Meeting for Academic Public Health in Arlington, VA.

  5. Proposal Requirements

    Please review the proposal requirements before starting your submission:

    1. Submitters must select a program area.
    2. Individuals may submit more than one proposal but may NOT submit the same proposal to more than one program area.
    3. The proposal text may contain up to, but not more than, 500 words. No images, charts, or tables are allowed.
    4. All proposals must be free of commercial intent.
    5. No fees are required to submit a proposal; however, if your proposal is accepted, the presenting author(s) MUST register for and attend the meeting.
    6. Incomplete proposals will not be reviewed/accepted.
    7. To begin, click the "Begin a submission" button at the bottom of the page.

Review Criteria

Proposals will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  1. Relevance and timeliness: The proposal title and content are clear, timely, and relevant to the target audience (graduate/undergraduate academic public health leaders, faculty, staff, students, and partners).
  2. Learning objectives: The proposal has clear and achievable learning objectives.
  3. Clarity and evidence: The proposal is well-written and has conclusions supported by reported evidence.
  4. Overall strength: The overall quality and impact of the proposal.
  5. Reviewer final recommendation: The final recommendation of the reviewer based on the proposal’s alignment with the call for proposals and potential impact.

  Submission Deadline: Friday, October 11, 2024 by 11:59 PM PT.


Technical Support

Technical support may be obtained by calling (401) 334-0220 between 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday-Friday, or at all times by contacting tech support.

For further information, please contact:

ASPPH Contact: