Proposal Review

Thank you for your interest in volunteering to review proposals for the 2025 ASPPH Annual Meeting for Academic Public Health. The expertise of reviewers helps make the event a success.

Please submit your information to serve as a reviewer by Friday, October 11, you will be notified of assignments, instructions, and deadlines via e-mails from the abstract vendor (


  • Friday, October 11, 2024: Call for proposals and call for reviewers deadline.
  • Tuesday, October 15, 2024: Reviewers will receive assignments via email. 
  • Wednesday, October 16 - Friday, October 25, 2024: Review Period (note: reviewers will receive a maximum of 15 proposals to review)
  • Friday, October 25, 2024: Deadline for reviewers to complete reviews so that we can send out notifications in a timely manner.

Please do not volunteer to review if you cannot review during this time frame.

Required fields on the form include: Name (First and Last), Credentials, E-mail and at least one (but not more than three) reviewer category. Reviewers will be assigned proposals based on program area selections and will not be assigned more than 15 proposals to review.

Program areas:

    1. Creating Equitable Health Outcomes Locally and Globally
    2. Diversifying Public Health Pathways and Ensuring Student and Alumni Success
    3. Innovation in Finance, Operations, and Administration: Models Supporting Effectiveness in Academic Public Health
    4. Partnerships, Advocacy, and Policies 
    5. Research and Evidenced-based Public Health Solutions 
    6. Strategic Communication and Digital Marketing in Public Health 
    7. Transformative Approaches to Education and Learning 
    8. Workforce Development and Applied Practice