Arkansas’ DrPH Program in Public Health Leadership

Monday, March 23, 2015
Regency Foyer (Hyatt Regency Crystal City)
Kevin W. Ryan, JD, MA , Fay W. Boozeman College of Public Health, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR
Martha M. Phillips, PhD, MPH, MBA , University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health
James M. Raczynski, PhD , University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health
The DrPH Program in Public Health Leadership at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health was established in 2004 to provide training in the public health sciences, public health practice, and leadership skills necessary to respond to the rapidly shifting and often unanticipated challenges of public health and health care systems. The focus of the DrPH program is in developing public health leaders who can apply public health sciences in developing evidence-based public health practice, demonstrate leadership in working with public health teams and the public, and develop practice-based evidence. In 2013, the DrPH program underwent a year-long thorough review by its oversight body, the Faculty Leadership Committee (FLC), comprised of DrPH program faculty and student representatives. After the review, minor modifications were made to program competencies, curricula, and assessment processes (e.g., qualifying examinations). While originally only a part-time course program, a full-time course plan was developed and implemented in 2014. The poster will include delineation of program competencies, curriculum, and assessment processes. Students will be described (e.g., demographics, academic success, program progression, field experience). Finally, the poster will include examples of student dissertation products and post-graduation career placement that include governmental, not for profit, and private sector settings.