Introduction: The US Government has announced its intent to invest significant resources over the next five years to help achieve the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) objectives to prevent, detect, and respond to future infectious disease outbreaks.[i] In order to achieve the 11 GHSA targets, participating countries must establish a minimum package of elements needed for supporting the GHSA target objectives and goals.
Objective: The Global Health Security public health law project is analyzing how law plays a role in implementation of Global Health Security (GHS) at the national level.
Methods: Our public health law assessment uses a systematic approach to identify and analyze legal provisions that impact population health within each participating country. The assessment compiles data on the presence and absence of laws for each of the 11 GHSA action packages and country implementation activities. Legal mapping is included for all 17 GHS phase one and 8 Ebola/High Risk Non Affected (HRNA) countries. Details on the laws for each country are entered into a searchable database.
Results/Findings: This is an ongoing assessment that will be completed during 2016. The project database can be used by program implementers and others to understand more about the presence or absence of public health legal authorities in GHS and HRNA implementation countries. The compiled information will provide a solid basis for further legal evaluation studies. The project database will become a valuable resource for program implementation, policy analysis and country specific technical assistance.
[i] CDC: Global Health Security Agenda. Available at: