MAB05 Encouraging Innovative Research in Times of Austerity

Monday, March 21, 2016: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Salon H (Crystal Gateway Marriott)
Description: For all the virtues of the research peer review system, there is a well-recognized tendency of the system to gravitate to "safe science" in times of austerity.  Creative research tends to struggle to receive grant support.  This session will discuss how creativity and innovation can be identified, promoted and funded in a time of austerity.
Roberta Ness, MD, MPH, James W. Rockwell Professor in Public Health and Vice President for Innovation, University of Texas School of Public Health and Michael Lauer, MD, Deputy Director for Extramural Research, National Institutes of Health
Martin Philbert, PhD, Dean, University of Michigan School of Public Health