TAB01 Making it Possible for Under-resourced Students to Succeed in Public Health

Tuesday, March 22, 2016: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Salon 5 (Crystal Gateway Marriott)
Description: This session will present findings from a study showing the decline in the percentage of low-income students enrolling in college immediately after high school and explore reasons for this trend.  The speakers will discuss implications for young adults in the pre-college and pre-graduate education pipeline and programs to support students in schools and programs of public health.
Sondos Islam, PhD, MPH, MS, Program Director, Charles R. Drew University and Terry Hartle, PhD, Senior Vice President, ACE, Division of Government and Public Affairs, American Council on Education
Nannette C. Turner, PhD, MPH, Chair and Director, Master of Public Health Program, Mercer University Department of Public Health