MPB02 Best Practices in Student and Alumni Services: Online Job Searches and Survey Response Rates

Monday, March 21, 2016: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Salon 6 (Crystal Gateway Marriott)
Description: Job searches and alumni surveys are two important areas for schools and programs to consider in order to best serve students as they seek employment. Knowing where your alumni are help to connect current students and attract new students, and understanding the public health job websites help to guide your students in their searches.  This session covers research in job searches as well as a case study of a successful alumni survey.

The goals of the Public Health Jobs Search portion include:

  • Identify public health job portals over the internet
  • Analyze the public health job portals over the internet
  • Recommend public health job search strategies over the internet

The goals of the Alumni Survey portion include:

  • Adapt methods for improving graduate survey response rates
  • Assess current process for collecting graduate survey data
  • Identify gaps in communication among departmental staff and students
Ashish Joshi, MD, PhD, MPH, Assistant Dean, CUNY School of Public Health , LaDawna M. Jones, MPH, Career Coach/Data Manager, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University and Claudia Paez Ellett, MPH, Senior Director, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
Wenke Hwang, PhD, Director, Master of Public Health Program; Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine