Making Connections: A Pipeline for AS to BSPH students

Monday, March 21, 2016
Salons 1, 2 & 3 (Crystal Gateway Marriott)
Matawal Makut, MBBS, MPH, MBA, CPH , Department of Undergraduate Studies, University of South Florida College of Public Health, Tampa, FL
Alison Oberne, MA, MPH, CPH , College of Public Health, Undergraduate Studies, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Karen Perrin, PhD, MPH , College of Public Health, Undergraduate Studies, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Objectives: 1) describe the value of pipeline programs to achieve student success and 2) incorporate similar collaborations at their institutions.

Abstract: Pipeline programs, also known as 2+2 programs, create collaboration between community colleges and universities to promote student progression through degree programs by allowing two (3-credit) university courses to count for both AS and BS degrees thus saving students time and money. One reason why community college students leave universities is lack of direction and connection. Pipeline programs link the students with the BS degree prior to entering the university due to the credit overlap. Students in pipeline programs have higher retention rates, academic performance and satisfaction.  

Hillsborough Community College (Associate Degree in Public Health) and University of South Florida College of Public Health (Bachelor of Science in Public Health) is in the process of finalizing a pipeline program. Recommendations for developing a pipeline include: 1) Collaborating with administration at both institutions; 2) Establishing a need through advising offices; 3) Recruiting students; and 4) Maintaining memorandum of understanding.  Along with the benefits, there are challenges including multi-level administrative processes, curriculum, faculty, and advising issues.  Navigating the process allows community colleges and universities to further support student success.