Monday, March 21, 2016
Salons 1, 2 & 3 (Crystal Gateway Marriott)
The University at Buffalo is developing a new major in Public Health to begin in 2017-2018. Given the timing of our planning process, faculty and staff team planning the minor utilized the Framing the Future Critical Component Elements for the Undergraduate Major. Our planning process was guided by three core principles: 1) ensure high quality, learner centered courses which collectively achieve each of the critical component elements; 2) approach curriculum design from an integrative/holistic perspective as opposed to a “siloed”/five core areas approach; and 3) differentiate structure and content of the undergraduate curriculum from that of the MPH. The resulting program centers around a core curriculum with fully integrated learning objectives and content from across the public health spectrum. This core curriculum, in concert with other major area requirements and general education courses, fully addresses the Framing the Future Critical Component Elements while also incorporating pedagogical advantages of integrative learning and maintaining differentiation from the MPH program structure.
The proposed poster presentation will address the guiding principles for planning, the integrative curriculum developed from this process, how it differs from a “siloed” curricular approach, perceived advantages to the integrative curriculum, and planned next steps to develop individual integrative courses and implement the curriculum framework.