TAB03 Using Public Health Workforce Data Sets to Define Training Needs

Tuesday, March 22, 2016: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Salon K (Crystal Gateway Marriott)
Summary: The Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs Survey (PH WINS) is the first nationally representative survey of the state governmental public health workforce. This session will share key analyses and findings and then initiate a discussion of how these data can help define training needs and shape curriculum. A discussion of additional questions and topic areas for future surveys will also be discussed.
Description: Leaders in the field of public health workforce research have been calling for better data on the public health workforce for decades. There is very little research on the demographic characteristics of the public health workforce, educational qualifications, salaries, job satisfaction, the workplace environment, or individual workers’ perspectives on important topics in public health.

The Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs Survey (PH WINS) was undertaken to fill these research gaps by collecting key public health workforce data from individual workers themselves. PH WINS is the first nationally representative survey to collect data from state health agency workers about critical issues in today’s transforming health system such as the diversity of the public health workforce, workers’ ability to meet difficult challenges ahead, worker perspectives on current national trends, and aspects of the workplace environment that are likely to impact worker recruitment, retention, development, and performance. PH WINS had three main goals: inform future workforce development investments, establish a baseline to use to evaluate future workforce development efforts, and to explore workforce attitudes, morale, and climate.

This session will cover the consensus building work undertaken with leaders from across the field of public health before the survey was developed, the methods and results from the survey, as well as the implications and practical ways students and faculty leaders can use the data.  The session will also include a discussion of what topics and areas should be included in potential future iterations of the survey.

Edward L. Hunter, MA, Chief Executive Officer, de Beaumont Foundation , Elizabeth A. Harper, DrPH, Director of Workforce Research, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials , Richard S. Kurz, PhD, Dean Emeritus, University of North Texas Health Science Center School of Public Health and Christine Plepys, MS, Director, Data Analytics, ASPPH
Craig H. Blakely, PhD, MPH, Dean, University of Louisville School of Public Health and Information Sciences